Year 8 Exams

Year 8 Exams will take place on Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th March. The exams are as follows:

  • Tuesday 15th March, Periods 1 and 2: Maths Paper 1 (1 hour) and Mental Maths Test for Higher Sets

  • Tuesday 15th March, Period 3: Science (1 hour)

  • Tuesday 15th March, Period 5: English Reading

  • Wednesday 16th March, Periods 1 and 2: Maths Paper 2 (1 hour) and Mental maths Test for Lower Sets

  • Wednesday 16th March, Period 3: English Writing

Unless otherwise stated, pupils will be in their normal timetabled lessons outside of the above.

Mrs Hughes, Exams Officer


School Closure

To keep staff and pupils safe, please note that The Wordsley School will be closed today Wednesday 20th November 2024 due to snow and icy conditions on site.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.